This is a test site you might actually be looking for The actual blog
listposts.json sitemap.xml robots.txt favicon.ico junk subdir
Item Price # In stock Juicy Apples 1.99 739 Bananas 1.89 6 -
Testing again
So testing again if this works or if it glitches out completely
Testing some stuff that works better now like git switch seems to be good with the -f and -C arguments and just making this test post to ensure some things work or not or if everything crashes so yeah Mweeoop
Still Race Condition But Better
Testing stuff
So yeah need to write anything in a post here on this test to confirm a certain thing works with the silly mastodon poster and if to later use branches or gists to store the data
blub glub blug blup brup
Renaming the test site
Trying to rename this from Test to test to see chat consequences this has and to see what can be done about it and such and not sure what more to say but there was a lot of file that had to be changed and a redirect might also help but that is hard to achieve in a good way with a static site generator like jekyll.
Race Conditions in Mastodon posting
Yes there are race conditions when GitHub actions posts on Mastodon like it can abort the build midway too and that is really annoying but the essential effect is that it posts on Mastodon THEN it uploads the post and this whole race condition is making the previews break and that is NOT something that should happen but there is like a few seconds of limbo where the post is posted then the post exists and this would be bad for many reasons not only previews but also stuff like IndexNow and yeah Mweeoops
Sitemaps and IndexNow
So there is this whole thing with SEO optimizations and all that and sitemaps and made some sitemap using liquid and it works now I think but it was like a pain to get working and stuff complains about invalid dates.
Story test
Once upon a time there was a fox that was made out of salad but that obviously makes not sense and a fox cannot be made out of salad but it was anyway and anyway foxes are like soft and red or orange or something and white too and they say mew and I know at least one fox or at least two now that I think of it and yeah they are soft and like vore and my spellchecker just complained that vore is not a real word like maybe if I spell it out like vorarephilia or not that is not a word either so lets add it to the spellchecker.
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