Story test
Once upon a time there was a fox that was made out of salad but that obviously makes not sense and a fox cannot be made out of salad but it was anyway and anyway foxes are like soft and red or orange or something and white too and they say mew and I know at least one fox or at least two now that I think of it and yeah they are soft and like vore and my spellchecker just complained that vore is not a real word like maybe if I spell it out like vorarephilia or not that is not a word either so lets add it to the spellchecker.
There now I added those words to the spellchecker and I wonder how much of this post will end up in the jekyll excerpt thing and I have no idea how that even works but it is something I should check out one day including how much is shown like how many letters and such are shown in previews on different websites since that could be very good for SEO optimization.
It is good to write utter nonsense like this at times as it is nice to write garbage and I am a hyena and hyenas are very soft animals and I am a special hyena deer hybrid that says mweeoop since deers say mwee and hyenas say woop or whoop and one time I said whoops trying to be cute to a friend and they said to me that it sounded like I made an accident and that is quite funny and all that like imagine a yeen that does accidents all the time but yes this is a long test post for fun and also I got an email now that I had cleared my super 6k full mailbox and it said that a run has been cancelled but that is probably due to the action committed therefore it cancelled the page action with that whole Mastodon post id saver thingy but yeah Mweeoops