YeenDeer softness blog (programming and electronics)

Ellie the Yeen is a soft YeenDeer that mweeoops and does programming

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Making a simple RSS to Mastodon poster powered by GitHub hooks

Decided to make a simple RSS to Mastodon poster powered by GitHub hooks.

Used pathlib for this as it is a very convenient thing to use as you can do somepath / ‘some string to join’.

Now all new posts made here will end up automatically posted on social media and since there is a crossposter that I made connected to the Mastodon it will end up on Twitter and Bsky too.

It runs when the GitHub hook completed runs and it is limited to max check each feed every 60 seconds and only do a single post if multiple are found.

See the code below how it was done and feel free to use it Apparently you can preview gists like this which is nice.
The syntax for it is {% gist 931004c78808b3d52daf7723cb6453fd %} where you post the if of the gist such as 931004c78808b3d52daf7723cb6453fd part from


By ellietheyeen 29 October 2023 Permalink Tags: gist github mastodon rss webhooks
